No. 20/PERMENTAN/OT.140/4/2009





a. that by Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/12/2006, have been stipulated the import and supervision over the distribution of carcass, meat and offal from abroad, as amended several times, the latest by Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 61/Permentan/OT.140/8/2007;

b. that since animal diseases have developed in the origin country, it is necessary to preserve the status of domestic animal and veterinary health by controlling properly on the entry and distribution of carcass, meat and offal into the territory of Republic of Indonesia;

c. that based on considerations as intended in paragraphs a and b above, it is needed to review Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/12/2006 concerning The Import and Supervision over the Distribution of Carcass, Meat and Offal from Abroad, in conjunction with Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 27/Permentan/OT.140/3/2007, and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 61/Permentan/OT.140/8/2007;

In view of:

1. Law No. 6/1967 concerning Basic Provisions of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary (Statute Book No. 10/1967, Supplement to Statute Book No. 2824);

2. Law No. 16/1992 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine (Statute Book No. 57/1992, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3482);

3. Law No. 7/1994 concerning Ratification of Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization (Statute Book No. 57/1994, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3564);

4. Law No. 7/1996 concerning Food (Statute Book No. 99/1996, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3656);

5. Law No. 8/1999 concerning Customers Protection (Statute Book No. 42/1999, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3821);

6. Law No. 32/2004 concerning Regional Government (Statute Book No. 125/2004, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4437), in conjunction with Law No. 8/2005 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation In Liu of Law No. 3/2005 concerning Amendment to the Law No. 32/2004 concerning Local Government Become Law (Statute Book No. 108/2005, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4548);

7. Government Regulation No. 15/1977 concerning Refusal, Prevention, Elimination, and Medical Treatment of Animal Diseases (Statute Book No. 20/1977, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3101);

8. Government Regulation No. 22/1983 concerning Veterinary Public Health (Statute Book No. 28/1983, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3253);

9. Government Regulation No. 69/1999 concerning Label and Advertisement for Food (Statute Book No. 131/1999, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3867);

10. Government Regulation No. 82 Year 2000 concerning Animal Quarantine (Statute Book No. 161/2000, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4002);

11. Government Regulation No. 102/2000 concerning National Standardization (Statute Book No. 199/2000, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4020);

12. Government Regulation No. 28/2004 concerning Foods Safety, Quality and Nutrition (Statute Book No. 107/2004, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4424);

13. Government Regulation No. 38/2007 concerning Sharing of Governmental Administration Affairs among Central Government, Province Government, and Regency/Municipality Government (Statute Book No. 82/2007, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4737);

14. Presidential Decree No. 187/M/2004 concerning the Establishment of the United Indonesia Cabinet;

15. Presidential Regulation No. 9/2005 concerning Organization and Working Procedure of States Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia, in conjunction with Presidential Regulation No. 62/2005;

16. Presidential Regulation No. 10/2005 concerning First Echelon Organizational Units and Tasks of State Ministries;

17. Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 471/Kpts/HK.310/8/2002 concerning Importing and Exporting Places of Vectors of Quarantine Animal Diseases;

18. Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 58/Permentan/OT.140/8/2005 concerning the Implementation of National Standardization in Agricultural Field;

19. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 299/Kpts/OT.140/7/2005 concerning the Organization and Working Arrangement of the Ministry of Agriculture, in conjunction with Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 11/Permentan/OT/2/2007, and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 22/Permentan/OT.140/8/2008;

20. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 341/Kpts/OT.140/9/2005 concerning the Organization and Working Arrangement of the Ministry of Agriculture in conjunction with Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 12/Permentan/OT.140/2/2007;

21. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 381/Kpts/OT.140/10/2005 concerning Guidance for Certification of Veterinary Control over Business Units of Animal-based Food;

22. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 51/Kpts/OT.140/10/2006 concerning Guidance for Functional Working Relations of Inspection, Observation and Treatment of Quarantine Animal Diseases;


1. Terrestrial Animal Health Code-Office International des Epizooties;

2. Notification of WTO No. G/SPS/N/IDN/40, dated March 9, 2009.


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Regulation:

1. Ruminant Carcass is part of ruminant livestock, produced from correct slaughtering according to Islamic teaching, skinned off, and taking out the innards, beheaded off, legs from tarsus to downwards, reproductive organs and udder, tail, and also excessive grease, in chilled or frozen carcass.

2. Poultry carcass is part of poultry livestock, which have been slaughtered in the correct way according to Islamic teaching, feathered off, taken out the innards and abdominal grease, beheaded off, cut the neck off, and also feet or claws, to make safe to be consumed by human.

3. Pork carcass is part of pig livestock, which have been slaughtered after furred off and taken out the offal, in chilled or frozen carcass.

4. Meat is part of carcass skeleton-tendon, which is common, safe and fit for human consumption, consisting of bone meat cuts and other boneless meat cuts, variation meat, which may be in the form of chilled meat, frozen meat or processed meat.

5. Chilled carcass is carcass or meat undergoing a cooling process following the slaughtering so that the internal temperature of carcass or meat ranges from 0°C to 4°C.

6. Frozen carcass is carcass or meat already undergoing a cooling process in blast freezer with the internal temperature of carcass or meat 18°C at the minimum.

7. Variety meat, fancy meat, co-product are parts other than carcass of healthy ruminants already slaughtered in a religiously permitted way, consisting of tongue, tail, leg and lip which are common, safe and fit for human consumption, in the form of chilled or frozen variety meat.

8. Processed Meat is meat processed by certain way or method with or without additives, which is executed in a religiously permitted way and properly so as to be common, edible and safe for human consumption.

9. Meat for Feed is meat which is safe but not suitable for human consumption and only designated to feed.

10. Offal is part of animal innards coming from ruminant animals which are slaughtered in a religiously permitted way and properly so as to be safe, common and fit for human consumption, which may be in the form of chilled or frozen offal;

11. 11. Mechanically Deboned Meat hereinafter abbreviated to MDM is a kind of boneless swine meat obtained by means of separating meat of big ruminant animals or fowl, which is left from bone following a deboning process through electronic separation method.

12. Import is an activity to import carcass, meat and/or offal from other countries into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

13. Carrier is a transport mean or facility used for carrying, which is directly contact with vector.

14. Importing Place is seaport, river and lake harbor, ferry seaport, airport, post office, border post with other countries and other places stipulated as the point of entry of media carrying animal disease.

15. Animal Quarantine is an action as an effort to prevent the entry and distribution of pests and animal diseases from other countries and an area to another area in the country or the exit from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

16. Quarantine Action is an activity executed to prevent the entry and exit of animal quarantine diseases from and to other countries as well as the distribution from an area to another area in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

17. Animal Quarantine Installation, hereinafter called Quarantine Installation, is a building along with equipment and land as well as supporting facilities needed as a place to undertake quarantine action.

18. Quarantine Animal Pest and Disease, hereinafter abbreviated to HPHK are all pests, disease pests and animal diseases having impacts on national social economy and international trade as well as medically affecting veterinary, which can be categorized by their risk levels.

19. HPHK of Category I is pest of quarantine animal disease having characteristic and potential of serious and fast distribution of diseases, whose settlement has not been known, which has not been found in an area or territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

20. HPHK of Category II is pest of quarantine animal disease whose distribution potential is closely related to vector, settlement method has been ascertained and which has been declared existent in an area or territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

21. Vector of Pest of Quarantine Animal Disease, hereinafter called Vector is animal, animal-based substance, material thereof and/or other materials which carry pest of quarantine animal disease.

22. Office International Des Epizooties / World Organization for Animal Health, hereinafter called OIE/WOAH is the World Animal Health Agency authorized to inform incident, status and situation of animal disease in a country, and give technical recommendation in sanitary action in the animal health field and veterinary people health.

23. Main Contagious Animal Diseases, hereinafter abbreviated to PHMU are diseases infecting quickly and affecting social economy and/or potential to bring about serious effect to the public health as well as being serious disease in the international trade of animals and animal products, which are attributable to viruses, parasites, bacteria, fungi, worm and prion referring to the list of contagious animal diseases of OIE/WOAH.

24. Zoonosis is a disease or infection naturally infected from animal to human or vise versa.

25. Veterinary Health, hereinafter abbreviated as Kesmavet, is all businesses dealing with animal and animal products, which affects human health directly or indirectly.

26. Veterinary Service is provision of animal and veterinary service in a country by referring to the standards, guidance and recommendations of international organizations, among others the World Organization for Animal Health (OlE), Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and World Health Organization (WHO).

27. Animal Quarantine Requirement is matters ruling requirements and procedures for application of animal quarantine action to the traffic of vectors coming from and out or between areas in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

28. Animal Health and Veterinary Health Protocol is a document containing requirements for animal health and veterinary health already approved by the Director General of Animal Husbandry.

29. Country of origin of the import, hereinafter called country of origin, is a country exporting carcass, meat and offal into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

30. Zone of origin of the import, hereinafter called zone of origin is part of a country with clear natural-border wherein the population of animals has clear status of animal health towards certain diseases, to which surveillance, control and bio-security are needed for the purpose of international trade.

31. Carcass, meat and offal importing business unit is a business operated regularly and continuously in a place for commercial purpose, covering animal slaughtering house, fowl slaughtering house, swine slaughtering house, importing business, distributor and/or carcass, meat and offal processing.

32. Establishment number, hereinafter abbreviated to NKV is a certificate as a legitimate written evidence that sanitary hygienic requirement has been fulfilled as the basic feasibility of security guaranty for animal-based food in business unit of animal-based food.

33. Distribution is activity or a series of activities in the framework of distributing carcass meat and offal for trading or not.

34. Package is material used for covering and/or wrapping carcass, meat and offal whether it is directly contact or not.

35. Label is every kind of information about carcass, meat and offal in the form of picture, writing, combination of both or other form attached to carcass, meat and offal, which is inserted into, affixed at and constitutes part of package.

36. Seal is an official sign in the form of picture or writing, which is issued by the authorized government to certify originality of a product.

37. Transit is temporary stop of carrier at port in its journey, which carries carcass, meat and offal before reaching the destination port.

38. Import Approval is written information given by Minister or appointed official to individuals or statutory bodies so as to be able to import carcass, meat and/or offal from abroad into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Article 2

(1) The regulation is intended as legal basis for:

(2) The regulation aims at preventing the possible entry of HPHK and/or PHMU, preserving the status of Indonesia as a country free from HPHK and/or PHMU, providing medical protection as well as assuring the psychological peace of communities in consuming carcass, meat and offal.

Article 3

The scope of regulation of the import of carcass, meat and offal covers:

1. Kind of carcass, meat and offal;

2. Requirement for importing carcass, meat and offal from other countries, covering:

3. Procedure for importing carcass, meat and offal;

4. Animal quarantine action;

5. Supervision over distribution of carcass, meat and offal; and

6. Sanction.

Article 4

(1) Individuals or statutory bodies can import carcass, meat and offal after securing import approval from the Minister.

(2) The import approval as intended in paragraph (1) is issued by the Director General of Animal Husbandry on behalf of the Minister.


Article 5

(1) Kinds of carcass, meat, fancy meat and offal originating from big ruminant animal and/or offal of cattle, which may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia are as contained in Attachment I as integral part from this regulation.

(2) Kinds of meat of small ruminant animals, swine, fowl, which can be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia are as contained in Attachment II as integral part from this regulation.

(3) Kinds of processed meat from other countries, which can be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia are as contained in Attachment III as integral part from this regulation.

(4) Kinds of carcass, meat and fancy meat other than the carcass, meat and fancy meat of big ruminant animal and/or offal of cattle, meat of small ruminant animals, swine, fowl and processed meat as intended in paragraphs (2) and (3) may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia following the stipulation by the Minister.

Article 6

The import of carcass, meat, fancy meat and offal of big ruminant animal, meat of small ruminant animals, meat of swine, fowl and processed meat as intended in Article 5 may be approved following risk assessment by a Risk Assessment Team.


Part One
Requirement for Importer

Article 7

Individuals or statutory bodies eligible to import carcass, meat and offal from other countries are obliged to fulfill the following requirements:

Article 8

The individuals or statutory bodies as intended in Article 7 that import carcass, meat and/or offal are obliged to prevent the possible entry and contagion of HPHK and/or PHMU as well as zoonosis, which may be infected and hold responsible for the health and psychological peace of communities.

Part Two
Requirement for Country and Zone of Origin

Article 9

(1) A country can be stipulated as country of origin of the import of carcass, meat and offal into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia by the Director General of Animal Husbandry after securing technical consideration from a team for evaluating country of origin.

(2) The provision of the technical consideration as intended in paragraph (1) by the team based on evaluation of veterinary service system.

(3) The evaluation of the veterinary service system as intended in paragraph (2) is executed by using the following criteria:

Article 10

(1) Countries of origin of ruminant carcass, meat and offal must meet the requirement for status of PHMU, which cover as follows:

(2) The import of deboned meat of big ruminant animals other than mechanically separated/deboned meat (MSM/MDM) and processed beef from zone free from PMK may be taken into account after passing the evaluation of veterinary service system and risk analysis by the team.

(3) The import of deboned meat of big ruminant animals other than mechanically separated/deboned meat (MSM/MDM) and processed beef from zone free from PMK as intended in paragraph (2) may be taken into account as long as the following requirements are fulfilled:

(4) The import of processed meat of big ruminant animals from zone free from PMK may be taken into account after undergoing a warming process for 30 minutes until the internal temperature reaches 70°C at the minimum.

(5) The import of deboned meat of big ruminant animals other than mechanically separated/deboned meat (MSM/MDM) from controlled BSE risk countries may be taken into account as long as the following requirements are fulfilled:

(6) The import of processed meat of big ruminant animals from controlled BSE risk countries may be taken into account as long as the processed mead results from deboned meat other than mechanically separated/deboned mead MSM/MDM as intended in paragraph (5).

(7) big ruminant animals mechanically separated from bone (MSM/MDM) could only be imported from negligible-BSE risk countries.

(8) Besides the meat of big ruminant animals as intended in paragraphs (5), (6) and (7), the import of offal of cattle with specific requirements from controlled BSE risk countries may be taken into account on the basis of result of examination of veterinary service system and risk analysis of BSE diseases by the risk analysis team.

(9) The requirements as intended in paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) may be changed on the basis of result of risk analysis of PMK diseases and/or BSE.

(10) The imported big-ruminant meat and offal of cattle besides fulfilling the requirement as intended in paragraph (1) must come from registered animal husbandry and under supervision of authorized veterinarian as well as be free from Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Paratubercullosis, Brucellosis, Bluetongue, and Blackleg during ante mortem and post mortem examination by authorized veterinary officials in slaughtering houses in the countries of origin.

Article 11

(1) The import of meat of small ruminant animals, besides fulfilling the requirement as intended in Article 10 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) also must come from countries free from Scrapie and Peste des etits Ruminants.

(2) The imported small-ruminant meat as intended in paragraph (1), besides fulfilling the requirement as intended in paragraph (1) must come from registered animal husbandry and under supervision of authorized veterinarian in country of origin as well as must be free from Sheep Pox, Goat Pox, Anthrax, Tubercullosis, Paratuberculosis, Brucellosis, Bluetongue and Blackleg during ante mortem and post mortem examination by authorized veterinary officials in slaughtering houses in the countries of origin.

Article 12

(1) Besides PMK, Rinderpest, Rift Valley Fever countries of origin of the imported swine meat also must be free from African Swine Fever, Swine Vesicular Disease, Nipah Virus, Japanese Encephalitis, Aujeskys Disease, Athropic Rhinitis, Teschen Disease and Swine Pox.

(2) The imported meat as intended in paragraph (1) must come from registered animal husbandry and under supervision of authorized veterinarian as well as be free from Hog Cholera, Transmissible Gastro Enteritis (TGE), Trichinosis and Cysticercosis during ante mortem and post mortem examination by authorized veterinary officials in slaughtering houses in the countries of origin.

Article 13

(1) Countries of origin of the imported fowl meat and Mechanically Deboned Meat of fowl must be free from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

(2) The imported fowl meat and Mechanically Deboned Mead (MDM) of fowl as intended in paragraph (1) must come from registered animal husbandry and under supervision of authorized veterinarian in the countries of origin as well as minimally in the last 90 (ninety) days in a radius of 50 km before the export from the countries of origin must have been declared not in the state of endemic of Newcastle Disease (ND).

(3) The imported duck meat, besides fulfilling the requirements as intended in paragraphs (1) and (2) must come from must come from registered animal husbandry and under supervision of authorized veterinarian in the countries of origin as well as minimally in the last 90 (ninety) days before the export from the countries of origin must have been declared free from Duck Viral Hepatitis and Duck Viral Enteritis.

Article 14

The requirements related to free from the diseases as intended in Articles 10, 11, 12 and 13 are based on evaluation and report on status and situation of contagious animal diseases from the countries and recognized by OIE/WOAH towards the free-disease status in the country.

Part Three
Requirements for Business Unit in Country of Origin

Article 15

(1) The import of carcass, meat and/or offal must come from business unit of countries of origin already approved by the Director General of Animal Husbandry after fulfilling the following requirements:

(2) The shipment of carcass, meat and/or offal from countries of origin into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must be accompanied halal certificate issued by the registered halal certification institution as intended in paragraph (1) a, containing information about, among others:

(3) The provisions as intended in paragraph (1) d and e and paragraph (2) do not apply to swine slaughtering, handling and/or swine carcass, meat and/or offal processing business units.

Article 16

(1) The evaluation of business units in countries of origin as intended in Article 15 is done directly by business unit evaluation team in countries of origin.

(2) Result of the evaluation as intended in paragraph (1) is recommended to the Director General of Animal Husbandry as a matter of consideration in stipulating business units.

Article 17

The result of evaluation as intended in Articles 9 and 16 may be followed up by bilateral cooperation in the form of animal health and veterinary health protocol.

Article 18

(1) Members of the risk analysis team, country of origin evaluation team and business unit evaluation team as intended in Articles 6, 9, 10 and 16 are stipulated by the Director General of Animal Husbandry.

(2) Members of the teams as intended in paragraph (1) consist of veterynarians having competence in the field of animal health and veterinary community health.

(3) If necessary, members of the teams as intended in paragraph (2) may come other scientific disciplines.

Article 19

In case of any change in the veterinary service system and status of animal health, veterinary community health and animal quarantine in the countries of origin as required in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15, re-evaluation will be executed in the countries of origin and business units in the countries of origin.

Article 20

Carcass, meat and/or offal coming from other countries must be accompanied by veterinary health certificate/sanitary certificate from the authorized official in countries of origin, which certifies as follows:

Article 21

(1) MDM as intended in Article 20 paragraph d may be imported for the need of animal-based food processing industry.

(2) MDM as intended in paragraph (1) has a content of protein minimally accounting for 12%, Ca not exceeding 0.75%, fat not exceeding 30% and heavy metal below the residual maximum limit (BMR) stipulated in SNI.

Part Four
Requirement for Package, Label and Transport

Article 22

(1) Carcass, meat and offal to be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must be packed to prevent it from contamination during the transport.

(2) The package as intended in paragraph (1) must be:

(3) The labeling as intended in paragraph (2) a in the package uses Indonesian language and English by mentioning:

(4)The sealing as intended in paragraph (2) a is executed by the authorized veterinarian in countries of origin and must remain whole and/or is not broken until arriving in the inspection place in Indonesia.

Article 23

(1) Carcass, meat and offal, which will be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must pass quarantine action in countries of origin before the commodities are loaded into carriers.

(2) The transport of the carcass, meat and offal as intended in paragraph (1) must be done directly from countries of origin to importing places in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

(3) The import of carcass, meat and offal from other countries by means of transit or re-export through other countries can be approved after fulfilling technical consideration and securing approval from the Director General of Animal Husbandry.

(4) Upon arriving at the importing place in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, carcass, meat and offal are subject to animal quarantine action in accordance with legislation.

Article 24

(1) Carcass, meat and offal coming from other countries, which are carried by container, are sealed by the authorized veterinarian in the countries of origin and only can be opened by animal quarantine officers in the importing places.

(2). Carcass, meat and offal having religiously permitted label must be separate from containers of carcass, meat and offal must be separate from container of carcass, meat and/or offal not having religiously permitted label.

Article 25

Meat imported from other countries for the need of feed must:


Article 26

(1) Every body or statutory body planning to import carcass, meat and offal into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must convey application in writing to the Director General of Animal Husbandry through the Head of the Licensing and Investment Center with a copy made available to the Head of the Agriculture Quarantine Board.

(2) The application as intended in paragraph (1) must be accompanied by the requirements as intended in Article 6 paragraph (1) and mentions:

(3) The Head of the Licensing and Investment Center as intended in paragraph (1), after receiving the application as intended in paragraph (2) must have completed the examination of the required documents as intended in paragraph (2) in not later than (three) working days and promptly give answer whether the import is delayed, rejected or accepted.

Article 27

(1) The application as intended in Article 26 paragraph (3) is delayed if the application still contains shortcomings of requirements which must completed and the decision is notified in writing to applicant.

(2) The applicant must have completed the shortcomings of requirements in not later than 5 (five) working days as from the date of receipt the notification as intended in paragraph (1).

(3) In case of the application not yet completing the shortcomings in the five-day period as intended in paragraph (2), the application is deemed withdrawn.

Article 28

(1) The application as intended in Article 26 paragraph (3) is denied if the requirements as intended in Article 26 paragraph (2) are untrue.

(2) The rejection of the application as intended in paragraph (1) is notified to applicant in writing, accompanied by reasons for rejection.

Article 29

(1) The application as intended in Article 26 paragraph (3) accepted by the Head of the Licensing and Investment Center is conveyed to the Director General of Animal Husbandry to obtain import approval.

(2) After receiving the application as intended in paragraph (1), the Director General of Animal Husbandry promptly asks technical consideration from the teams as intended in Article 18 with regards to the fulfillment of the requirements for animal health and veterinary community health in countries of origin.

(3) The technical consideration of the team as intended in paragraph (2) is stipulated on the basis of the requirements as intended in Articles 10, 11, 12, and 13, by adjusting to developments of science and technology as well as disease on the basis of information from DIE when the evaluation is executed.

(4) The technical consideration as intended ib paragraph (3) in not later than 14 (fourteen) working days must have been conveyed to the Director General of Animal Husbandry.

Article 30

(1) In preparing the technical consideration as intended in Article 29, the teams are obliged to consider technical considerations of the Head of Service in charge of animal husbandry and health affairs in provinces.

(2) The technical considerations of the Head of Service as intended in paragraph (1) do not apply to the import of carcass, meat and offal from other countries for social, diplomatic, research or personal purpose with the provision that the weight does not exceed 10 (ten) kilograms and the import abides by the requirements for countries of origin as intended in Articles 10, 11, 12 and 13, which is accompanied by health/sanitary certificate from countries of origin.

(3) The technical recommendation as intended in paragraph (1) covers the fulfillment of requirements for importer as intended in Article 7 and is based on result of study by the provincial service in charge of animal husbandry and health affairs in case of supply and demand for carcass, meat and/or offal in the provincial level.

Article 31

(1) The Director General of Animal Husbandry based on the technical considerations of the teams as intended in Article 18 in not later than 5 (five) working days must have answered whether the application is rejected or accepted.

(2) The rejection of the application as intended in paragraph (1) by the Director General of Animal Husbandry is granted in writing, accompanied by reasons, which is conveyed to applicant through the Head of the Licensing and Investment Center.

(3) In case of the application as intended in paragraph (1) being approved, import approval will be issued in the form of a decision of the Director General of Animal Husbandry, with a copy made available to the Head of the Agriculture Quarantine Board, Director General of Agricultural Product Processing and Marketing, Director General of Customs and Excise, Head of Service in charge of animal husbandry and health affairs in province and heads of the main animal quarantine center/station in the importing places.

(4) The import approval as intended in paragraph (3) is granted to applicant through the Head of the Licensing and Investment Center.

Article 32

(1) Individuals or statutory bodies already securing the import approval as intended in Article 31 paragraph (4) can import carcass, meat and/or offal into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

(2) The import approval as intended in paragraph (1) applies for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days.

(3) In case of outbreak of animal diseases as intended in Articles 10, 11, 12 and 13 occurring in countries of origin, the import approval as intended in paragraph (1) is declared invalid.

(4) Individuals or statutory bodies importing carcass, meat and/or offal are obliged to report the realization of the import to the Director General of Animal Husbandry with a copy made available to the Head of the Agriculture Quarantine Board and Head of the Licensing and Investment Board in not late than 7 (seven) calendar days after the validity period of the import approval as intended in paragraph (2) expires.


Article 33

(1) Every plan for importing carcass, meat and/or offal from abroad must be reported by owners or their proxies to quarantine officers in the importing places already stipulated in the importing place already stipulated in the Import Approval by completing form of application for animal quarantine examination and enclose the Import Approval.

(2) The report as intended in paragraph (1) in conveyed in not later than 1 (one) working day before carrier arrives at the importing place.

(3) When carrier arrives at importing place, owners or their proxies are obliged to give carcass, meat and/or offal along with the required documents to quarantine officers for the purpose of quarantine action.

(4) The documents as intended in paragraph (3) are:

Article 34

(1) The animal quarantine action as intended in Article 33 paragraph (3) can be in the form of examination, treatment, detention, rejection, destruction and/or exemption.

(2) The treatment as intended in paragraph (1) is executed to free pest of quarantine animal diseases belonging to Category II.

Article 35

(1) The examination as intended in Article 34 paragraph (1) covers examination of the required documents and medical/sanitary examination by quarantine animal doctor aboard the carrier before the products are disembarked or pass the importing place.

(2) The examination of the required documents as intended in paragraph (1) aims at examination the legitimacy of documents, and match of documents to the package, label, quantity and kind.

(3) The medical/sanitary examination as intended in paragraph (1) can be in the form or organoleptic examination of purify and totality and/or laboratory analysis in accordance with the examination techniques and method.

(4) Unless the organoleptic examination of purity and totality and/or laboratory analysis as intended in paragraph (3) is applicable aboard the carrier or importing place, further examination is executed in the stipulated animal quarantine installation.

Article 36

(1) Further examination action as intended in Article 35 paragraph (4) can be in form or organoleptic examination of purity and totally and/or laboratory analysis and accordance with the examination techniques and method.

(2) The transport of carcass, meat and/or offal from the importing place to the animal quarantine installation must be under supervision of animal quarantine officers.

(3) Upon arriving at the animal quarantine installation:

Article 37

(1) Unless the import of carcass, meat and/or offal is accompanied by the required documents as intended in Article 35 paragraph (1) the detention as intended in Article 34 paragraph (1) is executed.

(2) The detention as intended in paragraph (1) is done if:

(3) After the owner or proxies can fulfill the requirements as intended in Article 35 paragraph (1), the further examination as intended in Article 35 paragraph (4) can be executed.

Article 38

(1) The rejection as intended in Article 34 paragraph (1) is done if:

(2) Following the rejection as intended in paragraph (1), carcass, meat and/or offal are promptly brought to outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in not later than 3 (three) working days that is mentioned in account of rejection.

(3) In case the owners or their proxies being unable to provide carrier in the period as intended in paragraph (2), the period can be extended to another term of 7 (seven) working days at the maximum by considering the risk of entry and distribution of pest of quarantine animal disease.

(4) In case the rejection action as intended in paragraph (1) being executed, the owners or their proxies have no right to demand compensation and are obliged to bear all cost of rejection.

Article 39

(1) The destruction as intended in Article 34 paragraph (1) is done if:

(2) Steps must be taken in the destruction as intended in paragraph (1) are:

(3) In case of the destruction as intended in paragraph (1), the owners or their proxies have not right to ask compensation and are obliged to bear all cost of destruction.

Article 49

(1) The exemption as intended in Article 34 paragraph (1) is executed if:

(2) The exemption as intended in paragraph (1) is executed after the owners or their proxies complete the obligation to remit quarantine service fee in accordance with regulations.


Article 41

(1) Agency in charge of animal husbandry and veterinary affairs in regencies/cities is obliged to register importers, distributors, retailers of carcass, meat and/or offal in the respective administrative base units.

(2) Supervision over the distribution of the imported carcass, meat and offal already exempt from the quarantine action is executed by veterinery supervisors appointed by Head of Agencies in charge of animal husbandry and veterinary affairs in regencies/cities in accordance with their respective scopes of authority.

(3) The supervision as intended in paragraph (1) is executed periodically, minimally every 6 (six) months or at anytime if violation of the technical requirements for veterinary community health is ascertained.

(4) The supervision as intended in paragraph (2) covers physical examination of carcass, meat and offal, examination of storage place, examination of selling places and carriers as well as completeness of documents.

(5) The examination as intended in paragraph (3) is continued by laboratory analysis to fulfill security, health, totality and acceptance to carcass, meat and offal on sale.

(6) The examination of the storage places, selling place and carrier as intended in paragraph (3) covers physical examination of hygiene, sanitation and the technical requirements for veterinary health.

(7) The examination of the storage place as intended in paragraph (4) covers:

(8) The completeness of documents as intended in paragraph (1) covers:

Article 42

(1) The veterinary supervisors as intended in Article 41 paragraph (1) supervise the distribution of carcass, meat and offal, report results of their supervision periodically as intended in Article 41 paragraph (3) to Head of Agencies in charge of animal husbandry and veterinary affairs in provinces and regencies/cities.

(2) The Head of Agencies as intended in Article (1) reports results of supervision over the distribution of carcass, meat and offal in their respective regions to the Director General of Animal Husbandry.

Article 43

(1) Everybody or statutory body storing, carrying, distributing and/or selling imported carcass, meat and offal are obliged to preserve their business places so that the hygienic and sanitary requirement and psychological peace of communities are still fulfilled.

(2) The body or statutory body as intended in paragraph (1) must have reported the storage and/or selling facilities and/or carriers which are used to Head of Agencies in charge of animal husbandry affairs in local regencies/cities.

(3) The body or statutory body as intended in paragraph (1) that can undertake inter regional/territorial distribution must have secured recommendation from Agency in charge of animal husbandry and veterinary affairs in receiving regions.

Article 44

Carcass, meat and/or offal distributed in regions/areas and/or inter region/area must be accompanied by at least the supporting documents as intended in Article 41 paragraph (8).

Article 45

In the framework of enhancing public participation and protecting consumers from carcass, meat and offal failing to meet the hygienic and sanitary requirements and psychological peace of communities, the supervision as intended in Article 41 paragraph (1) can involve participation of the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI), Indonesian Consumer Advocacy Institution Foundation (YLKI), associations, and other community institutions concerned by observing the provisions in this regulation.

Article 46

In case of service in charge of animal husbandry and veterinary affairs being not available or being not yet established in regencies/cities, the supervision over the distribution of carcass, meat and offal as intended in Article 41 paragraph (1) and Article 42 paragraph (2) is executed by agency in charge of animal husbandry and veterinary affairs in provinces.


Article 47

(1) In case of violation of provisions in this regulation being found on the basis of result of the supervision by the veterinary supervisors as intended in Articles 41 and 42, the Director General of Animal Husbandry, governors, regents/mayors are authorized to take administrative sanctions.

(2) The administrative actions as intended in paragraph (1) can be in the form of:

(3) The imposition of the administrative action as intended in paragraph (2) is based on the level of risk arising from the committed violation.

(4) The administrative actions as intended in paragraph (2) a, b, c and f are imposed by the Director General of Animal Husbandry.

(5) The administrative actions as intended in paragraph (2) d and e are imposed by governors or regents/mayors in accordance with their respective scopes of authority.

(6) The administrative action as intended in paragraph (2) g is imposed by governors.

Article 48

Besides the administrative actions as intended in Article 46 paragraph (2), individuals or statutory bodies violating the provisions in this regulation are subject to sanctions in accordance with Law No. 16/1992 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine and/or Law No. 8/1999 concerning Consumer Protection.


Article 49

Without reducing the enforceability of the provisions in the food and drug supervision field, the provisions also apply to processed meat having risk to spread contagious animal disease (zoonosis), environment and other biological resources.


Article 50

The import approval of carcass, meat and/or offal already issued before the enforcement of this regulation is declared to remain valid until expiring and is subsequently adjusted to this regulation.


Article 51

With the enforcement of this regulation:

1. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/12/2006 concerning The Import and Supervision Over The Distribution of Carcass, Meat and Offal From Abroad, Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 27/Permentan/OT.140/3/2007 concerning The Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/12/2006 and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 61/Permentan/OT.140/8/2007 concerning The Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/12/2006 and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 27/Permentan/OT.140/3/2007 are revoked and declared null and void;

2. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 482/Kpts/PD.620/8/2006 concerning the Import of Ruminant Livestock and Products Thereof from Countries or Zones of Countries Infected by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is declared invalid as long as it is related to the regulation of carcass, meat and/or offal.

Article 52

Tile provision comes into force as from tile date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be published by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on April 8, 2009